Faculty of Dentistry
Date: 21 September 2021

Changes to the Results for Erasmus+ Exchange Programmes (2021-1-TR01-KA131-HED-000003435 Project)

As you all know, the results we announced on 02.09.2021 were preliminary. Accordingly, the results for students who will receive a grant within the scope of 2021 Erasmus+ Mobilities for Studies and Traineeships were announced by the Turkish National Agency. The lists of admitted and waitlisted candidates have been changed according to the grant amounts allocated to our university. The Republic of Turkey and the European Commission have not concluded the international agreements on participation in the new term Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027. Therefore, the results are not final for the time being, and may change once the formal process is complete.

According to the announcement from the Turkish National Agency:

“The international agreements between the Republic of Turkey and the European Commission on participation in the new term Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 are in progress. Hence, the announced results concerning grant amounts are not final and may change once the formal process is complete.” The Turkish National Agency, the European Commission and our university cannot be held responsible for any delays or changes in grant amounts that may occur during the formal process regarding the participation.

We will inform you of any updates as soon as the Turkish National Agency makes an announcement in this regard. The list of ADMITTED and WAITLISTED students can be changed again.

  • Click for the new list of successful students.

(Students appearing as “admitted” students in the list of successful students are candidates for grant, and they will be able to participate in the mobility programme as Erasmus+ grant students if and when the European Union allocates adequate grant and quotas. Once approved by the National Agency, “admitted” students will be eligible to receive grant for the following academic term. Students who have been announced to be “waitlisted” students may be admitted to the programme depending their Erasmus rankings if admitted students renounce their rights to participate in the programme.)

Students who are eligible to receive a grant as part of the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Studies can receive a grant for only one academic term (a maximum of 6 months). If they wish, they can benefit from the mobility in the second academic term as zero-grant students, with the approval of the receiving institution and our university.

Students who are eligible to receive a grant as part of the Erasmus+ Student Mobility for Traineeships can receive a grant for a maximum of 2 months. If they wish, they can benefit from the mobility and continue their traineeships as zero-grant students after the two-month minimum period. Students who have not submit a Letter of Acceptance issued by the receiving workplace during their applications must submit their Letter of Acceptance to the Erasmus+ Office no later than 30 October 2021.

Those who are not eligible to receive grant (waitlisted students) can benefit from the programme as zero-grant students.

If students who are eligible to participate in Erasmus Programme wish to renounce their rights, they must fill in the “Erasmus Renunciation Form” and submit it to the Erasmus+ Office via e-mail not later than 27 September 2021 Monday by 17:00. Students who wish to renounce their rights later than the date specified will be considered to have benefited from the mobility, and 10 points will be cut from the total score while calculating the total of their academic performance and language proficiency exam results. 

Click for the Erasmus Renunciation Form.

To the Attention of Students Passing the Exam:

  • Turkey and the European Union have not concluded the agreement on participation in the new term Erasmus+ Programme 2021-2027 and the 2021 Delegation Agreement. Our institution and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsible for any material or non-material damages that may arise from any delay or problem encountered during the processes involving the conclusion of the agreements.
  • If the mobility programmes are affected by the COVID-19 pandemic or any other force majeure, the decisions made by the National Agency will be in effect and other relevant announcements will be made if and when necessary.

Those who wish to change their academic term preferences must submit their requests to the Erasmus+ Office via erasmus@beykent.edu.tr email address. These requests will be evaluated by the Erasmus+ Office considering the quotas allocated to our partner universities.